Hebei Foreign Trade Assets Operation CO.,LTD.


About Us

Hebei Foreign Trade Assets Operation CO.,LTD.

Hebei Foreign Trade Assets Operation CO.,LTD.

Hebei Foreign Trade Assets Operation Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was established on December 26, 2003. It is a large-scale state-owned comprehensive asset management company approved by the Hebei Provincial Government and funded by the Hebei Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The registered capital is 167.43 million yuan, and the registered address is located at No. 1 Feiyi Road, Shijiazhuang City. The legal representative is Zhang Yuanzhen. As of the end of 2022, the company has 43 controlled shareholding and participating enterprises, of which are39 above-holding enterprises (including 27 second level enterprises and 12 third level enterprises), and 4 participating enterprises. The company headquarters has 7 management departments, including the Comprehensive Office, Reform and Development Department, Human Resources Department (Party Committee Organization Department), Financial Management Department, Party Committee Work Department, Audit Department, and Risk Management Department. The Business Development Department (Capital Operations Department) has 1 business department, and a disciplinary inspection committee working mechanism has been established.

The company's business scope mainly includes asset management and equity management; Asset and capital operations; Management and reinvestment of proceeds from state-owned asset ; Other business authorized by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the provincial government; Mechanical equipment and housing leasing, site leasing, and land development; Enterprise management consulting; Self operated and agent import and export business of various goods and technologies. The main business positioning is "domestic and foreign trade and asset operation".

In the early stages of the company's establishment, under the correct leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government, and Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, we vigorously promoted debt restructuring, asset restructuring, and enterprise restructuring, focusing on reform and restructuring, capital operation. Based on the actual situation of different enterprises, we classified and carried out reform and restructuring, liquidation and write-off, corporate restructuring, and withdrawal of disadvantaged enterprises by category, and properly arranged more than 9000 employees. By acquiring financial debt, debt risks have been resolved, and the state-owned assets have been preserved to the greatest extent . The maximization of state-owned capital benefits has been achieved through capital operation and asset management. In recent years, the company has adhered to the leadership of party building in development, efficiently coordinated epidemic prevention and control and business development, highlighted key work such as production and operation, reform and tackling difficulties, innovative development, risk prevention and control, and talent strengthening enterprises, deeply cultivated the international and domestic markets, continuously optimized and adjusted the industrial layout and operating structure, and upgraded the company's main business from "foreign economic and foreign trade and state-owned capital operation" to "domestic and foreign trade and asset operation", The development advantages and potential of the company have gradually been reflected and released, and the quality and efficiency of operations have significantly improved. The main indicators have set new historical highs, and the assessment goals and tasks issued by the Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have been completed for many consecutive years, maintaining a healthy and good overall development trend. Especially in 2021, the company's business performance was assessed as Grade A by the Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the comprehensive assessment and evaluation result of the leadership team in 2021 was rated as "Excellent".

Looking forward to the future, the Company will insist on being guided by Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Fully implement the Partys High level opening up decision making and development, devoted to serving the open economy of Hebei Province, and building a new development pattern of double circulation, continuing to deepen the two core business of domestic and foreign trade and asset operation, and three platforms of cross-border commerce, foreign trade comprehensive services and bonded logistics services. With a higher station, a broader vision and more practical measures the Company will plan key work, focus on promoting stable growth, improving efficiency, promoting reform, focusing on innovation, preventing risks, optimizing management, strengthening party building, constantly improve professional and digital business capabilities, build an independent and controllable supply chain system, create a leading enterprise in foreign trade and economic cooperation in the province with obvious import and export advantages and coordinated development of domestic trade and logistics, and strive to write a new chapter in foreign trade in the Chinese-style modernization Hebei scene, in order to make new and greater contributions to accelerating the construction of an economically powerful province and a beautiful Hebei province!
